Markéta Kinterová
 Bez názvu
 Bez názvu
Untitled, 2008–2009, c-prints


Markéta Kinterová is an artist primarily interested in a conceptual interpretation of photography. In the series presented at the festival she has recorded signs, symbols, and drawings appearing on walls, gates and trees that cannot be classified as classic street graffiti.

These records often contain information or a message. Sometimes this involves a dialogue with the world, and the texts are a means to express personal thoughts and motivations, or they may react to surrounding events, expressing a desire for a different way of life – poetic outcries, slogans, drawings mirroring stories, desires, and declarations of love, protest or momentary emotions which need to be shared.

Such traces often co-create a place – become part of it – even if over the years they fade or are covered by other signs. Markéta Kinterová is interested in the genesis of such messages, the reasons for their origin, authenticity of their message and their further fate, put to the test of time.

– Jolana Havelková
